
Showing posts from April, 2021

Note making with Hindi explanation example

Note Making Example 1: Read the passage given below: BALANCING THE SCALES Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a difference to how legal work is done, but it isn’t the threat it is made out to be. AI is making impressive progress and shaking up things all over the world today. The assumption that advancements in technology and artificial intelligence will render any profession defunct is just that, an assumption and a false one. The only purpose this assumption serves is creating mass panic and hostility towards embracing technology that is meant to make our lives easier. Let us understand what this means explicitly for the legal world. The ambit of AI includes recognizing human speech and objects, making decisions based on data, and translating languages. Tasks that can be defined as ‘search-and-find’ type can be performed by AI. Introducing AI to this profession will primarily be for the purpose of automating mundane, tedious tasks that require negligible human intelligence. The ki...

Memories of Childhood with Hindi explanation Ncert solution

Memories of Childhood with Hindi explanation Ncert solution  Q1.The two accounts that you have read above are based in two distant cultures. What is the commonality of theme found in both of them? Ans. The two accounts given in the unit ‘Memories of Childhood’ are based in two distant cultures. Two grown up and celebrated writers from marginalised communities look back on their childhood. They reflect on their relationship with the mainstream. The discrimination, oppression, humiliation, suffering and insults that they faced as young ,members of the marginalised communities are common to both. Zitkala-Sa highlights the severe prejudice that prevailed towards the Native American culture and women. Depriving her of her blanket that covered her shoulders made her look indecent in her own eyes. The cutting of her long hair reduces her to the status of a defeated warrior as in her culture shingled hair are worn only by cowards. The replacing of her moccasins by squeaking shoes and “eati...

Should Wizard Hit Mommy. With hIndi explanation

Should Wizard Hit Mommy? With Hindi explanation NCERT  Q1.Who is Jo? How does she respond to her father’s story-telling? Ans. Jo is the shortened form of Joanne. She is the four year old daughter of Jack and Clare. For the last two years, her father, Jack, has been telling her bed-time stories. Since these stories are woven around the same basic tale and have the same characters and turn of events, Jo takes so many things for granted and takes active interest in the story-telling session. The protagonist (main character) is always named Roger. It may be Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel, Roger Chipmunk or Roger Skunk. The other characters are the huge, wise, old owl and the thin small wizard. The creatures of the forest—small animals—also take part in playing with Roger and liking/disliking him. Q1. जो कौन है? वह अपने पिता के कहानी कहने पर कैसे प्रतिक्रिया देती है? उत्तर जो जोआन का संक्षिप्त रूप है। वह जैक और क्लेयर की चार साल की बेटी है। पिछले दो वर्षों से, उसके पिता, जैक उसकी बिस्तर की ...

A Roadside Stand with Hindi explanation summery and question answers

Summary of A Roadside Stand Summary       A Roadside Stand summary deals with the lives of poor deprived people. Furthermore, the poet contrasts the struggling lives of the countryside people with the insensitive life of the city dwellers. The city dwellers don’t even bother to ponder on the harsh condition of the roadside stand people. The city dwellers don’t think about the struggles these roadside people have to go through in order to sell their goodies. These poor people have nothing to do except wait for the passing cars to stop and purchase their products. If at all a car stops by, it is to know about directions or to make complain about something. The poet deeply sympathises with these impoverished people and feels compassion for them. This sympathy is evident in the portrayal of the roadside sheds in a poignant manner. The poet shows more concern for the sadness of the shed-owners than he does for the landscape blemish. He believes that these people have a l...

Evans Tries an O-level with Hindi explanation NCERT solution

Evans Tries an O-level with Hindi explanation NCERT solution Q1. What kind of a person was Evans? Ans. James Roderick Evans was a jail bird. The prison officers called him ‘Evans the Break’ as he had escaped from prison three times. At present he was in a solitary cell in Oxford Prison. He was quite a pleasant sort of chap—an amusing person who was good at imitations. He was not at all violent. He was just a congenital kleptomaniac. It meant he suffered from the disease of involuntarily stealing things. This was disease with which he was bom. A great way to improve your English conversation skills is to write your own conversations! Write a dialogue between Conversation Between Two Friends to improve English fluency Q1। इवांस किस तरह का व्यक्ति था? उत्तर जेम्स रोडरिक इवांस एक जेल पक्षी था। जेल अधिकारियों ने उसे prison इवांस द ब्रेक ’कहा क्योंकि वह तीन बार जेल से भाग चुका था। वर्तमान में वह ऑक्सफोर्ड जेल में एकांत सेल में थे। वह काफी सुखद किस्म का चपरासी था - एक मनोरंजक व्यक्ति जो नकल म...